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2022 Elections
A Pivotal Year Ahead
The Big Picture
All 435 seats in the House of Representatives, along with 34 of the 100 seats in the Senate are pivotal this midterm election year, with elections held on Tuesday November 8th. In addition, key Gubernatorial changes and challenges are on the horizon. Ahead of them all are key primary elections across the nation and in your state, the first step in action.
The Breakdown:
Why are the primaries important? The state primary elections are an important step in selecting a candidate to represent an entire state in the general election ballot on Tuesday November 8, 2022. The primaries are quickly approaching and our important reminder that local elections are impactful. For context: Texas has the earliest state primary, March 1st, and the latest is in September for the state of Massachusetts.
Below are some key dates and links to get you all the details you need on the upcoming polls:
2022 Primary Dates |
State |
Primary Date |
Primary Runoff Date |
More Info |
5/24/2022 |
6/21/2022 |
8/16/2022 |
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8/2/2022 |
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5/24/2022 |
6/21/2022 |
6/7/2022 |
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6/28/2022 |
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8/9/2022 |
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9/13/2022 |
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8/23/2022 |
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5/24/2022 |
6/21/2022 |
8/13/2022 |
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5/19/2022 |
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6/28/2022 |
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5/3/2022 |
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6/7/2022 |
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8/2/2022 |
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5/17/2022 |
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11/8/2022 |
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6/14/2022 |
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6/28/2022 |
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9/20/2022 |
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8/2/2022 |
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8/9/2022 |
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6/7/2022 |
6/28/2022 |
8/2/2022 |
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5/10/2022 |
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6/14/2022 |
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9/13/2022 |
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6/7/2022 |
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6/28/2022 |
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5/17/2022 |
6/14/2022 |
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5/3/2022 |
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6/28/2022 |
8/23/2022 |
5/17/2022 |
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5/17/2022 |
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9/13/2022 |
9/24/2022 |
6/14/2022 |
6/28/2022 |
6/7/2022 |
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8/4/2022 |
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3/1/2022 |
5/24/2022 |
6/28/2022 |
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8/9/2022 |
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6/21/2022 |
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8/2/2022 |
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5/10/2022 |
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8/9/2022 |
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8/16/2022 |
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