At A Ma Maniére, we offer secure and reliable shipping for all items through FedEx. Orders are typically processed within 5 business days, with estimated delivery times varying based on location and order volume. For details on shipping policies, tracking, and delivery timelines, visit our Shipping Policy page.
At A Ma Maniére, we strive to provide a seamless shipping experience for our valued customers. All orders are shipped exclusively via FedEx, catering to both domestic and international destinations. Please note that we do not offer in-store pickup, and unfortunately, we are unable to accept orders addressed to PO boxes, APO, or FPO addresses.
For any inquiries regarding FedEx services, you can easily reach FedEx Customer Service by calling 1.800.463.3339. Your order's processing time is crucial to us, and we aim to ship all orders within 5 business days.
Please allow up to 10 business days for your order to be processed and shipped. During periods of high order volume or holidays, shipping and processing times may be extended. Delivery times are estimates and are not guaranteed.
In some cases, it may take up to 30 days to receive an ordered item due to weather-related delays, carrier limitations, or other events outside of our control. Customers are eligible to receive a refund for their full shipping price if they have not received a tracking number after 10 business days.
In adherence to our commitment to transparency, we currently do not provide expedited shipping or processing services. If you have any concerns regarding missing items or tracking information, please don't hesitate to contact us at
Ensuring the accuracy of your shipping address is essential, as we are unable to alter shipping addresses post-order to maintain security and customer protection. However, you have the option to schedule a pickup at a FedEx holding location or reschedule a delivery date via the FedEx Delivery Manager service.
In the unfortunate event of lost, stolen, or damaged packages, please notify us promptly within 24 hours of delivery at so that we may initiate a claim with the carrier. For your convenience, we recommend utilizing the FedEx Delivery Manager service if you anticipate being unavailable during delivery to prevent any potential issues. If your package experiences a delay with FedEx and remains stuck in transit at the same location for over 3 days, please contact our customer service team as soon as possible so that we may assist you in opening a claim on your package.
Your satisfaction is our priority, and we appreciate your trust in us as we work to resolve any issues efficiently. Should any issues arise with your order, please promptly contact our dedicated customer service team at within 24 hours of delivery. Your timely communication is crucial, as failure to do so may impact the resolution process. While we strive to address any concerns promptly, please be aware that filing a claim with FedEx does not guarantee reimbursement, particularly if FedEx confirms proper delivery to the correct address.
We ship to most countries around the globe. However, please note that there may be certain restrictions on specific products or destinations due to legal or logistical limitations.
All orders are shipped exclusively via FedEx. Please keep in mind that duties and taxes will be the responsibility of the recipient upon the package's arrival. Customs policies vary widely from country to country. If you have any inquiries regarding the estimated duties and taxes for your package, don't hesitate to contact your local FedEx office with your tracking information. We are unable to modify product details that may impact the duties and taxes associated with your order.
Rest assured, your order will typically be prepared for shipment within 5 business days. Please allow up to 15 business days for your order to be processed and shipped. During periods of high order volume or holidays, shipping and processing times may be extended. Delivery times are estimates and are not guaranteed. Once it's on its way, keep an eye out for a shipping confirmation email containing the tracking number for your convenience.
While we strive to deliver your order in a timely manner, please understand that transit times may be affected by factors such as weather-related delays, carrier limitations, customs clearance, local postal services, and public holidays.
At A Ma Maniére, we strive to provide a seamless shipping experience for our valued customers. All orders are shipped exclusively via FedEx, catering to both domestic and international destinations. Please note that we do not offer in-store pickup, and unfortunately, we are unable to accept orders addressed to PO boxes, APO, or FPO addresses.
For any inquiries regarding FedEx services, you can easily reach FedEx Customer Service by calling 1.800.463.3339. Your order's processing time is crucial to us, and we aim to ship all orders within 5 business days.
Please note that all delivery times are estimates and are not guaranteed. Shipments may be affected by weather-related delays, carrier limitations, or other events outside of our control. It takes up to 10 business days for orders to be delivered to buyers located in the US, considering approximately 2-3 days for order processing, 1-2 business days for packing and shipping, and an additional 2-3 business days for delivery.
During times of high order volume or holidays, please note that shipping and processing times may be extended. In some cases, it may take up to 30 days to receive an ordered item due to weather-related delays, carrier limitations, or other events outside of our control. In such cases, customers have the option to either cancel the order or receive a partial refund for the shipping delay.
In adherence to our commitment to transparency, we currently do not provide expedited shipping or processing services. Additionally, it's important to note that orders containing multiple items may be divided and shipped from different locations. Rest assured, this division does not impact the efficiency of processing or shipping. If you have any concerns regarding missing items or tracking information, please don't hesitate to contact us at
Ensuring the accuracy of your shipping address is essential, as we are unable to alter shipping addresses post-shipment to maintain security and customer protection. However, you have the option to schedule a pickup at a FedEx holding location or reschedule a delivery date via the FedEx Delivery Manager service.
In the unfortunate event of lost, stolen, or damaged packages, please notify us promptly within 24 hours of delivery at so that we may initiate a claim with the carrier. For your convenience, we recommend utilizing the FedEx Delivery Manager service if you anticipate being unavailable during delivery to prevent any potential issues. If your package experiences a delay with FedEx and remains stuck in transit at the same location for over 3 days, please contact our customer service team as soon as possible so that we may assist you in opening a claim on your package.
Your satisfaction is our priority, and we appreciate your trust in us as we work to resolve any issues efficiently. Should any issues arise with your order, please promptly contact our dedicated customer service team at within 24 hours of delivery. Your timely communication is crucial, as failure to do so may impact the resolution process. While we strive to address any concerns promptly, please be aware that filing a claim with FedEx does not guarantee reimbursement, particularly if FedEx confirms proper delivery to the correct address.
To users outside of the United States: Our website is hosted in the United States and is intended for and directed to users within the United States. If you are accessing the website from the European Union, Asia, or any other region with laws or regulations governing personal data collection, use, and disclosure that differ from those of the United States, please be advised that through your continued use of the website, governed by U.S. law, this Privacy Policy, and our Conditions of Use, you are transferring your personal information to the United States and consent to that transfer.
All orders are shipped exclusively via FedEx. Please keep in mind that duties and taxes will be the responsibility of the recipient upon the package's arrival. Customs policies vary widely from country to country. If you have any inquiries regarding the estimated duties and taxes for your package, don't hesitate to contact your local FedEx office with your tracking information. We are unable to modify product details that may impact the duties and taxes associated with your order.
For our international customers, we want to inform you that, at this time, we do not ship non-special project Nike products, Jordan products, and Fear of God (FOG) products, as requested by the brand. We ship to most countries around the globe. However, please note that there may be certain restrictions on specific products or destinations due to legal or logistical limitations.
Rest assured, your order will typically be prepared for shipment within 5 business days. It can take up to 15 business days for orders to be delivered to buyers located outside the US, considering approximately 2-3 days for order processing, 1-2 business days for packing and shipping, and an additional 5-10 business days for delivery. Please note that all delivery times are estimates and are not guaranteed. Once it's on its way, keep an eye out for a shipping confirmation email containing the tracking number for your convenience.
While we strive to deliver your order in a timely manner, please understand that transit times may be affected by factors such as weather-related delays, carrier limitations, customs clearance, local postal services, and public holidays.